Potential risks from public wifi and 5 ways to increase security

Public Wi-Fi offers many conveniences and cost savings for laptop or smartphone users, but it also comes with serious potential risks. So, before sipping coffee or milk tea and surfing the web on your device, keep the following in mind to be able to use public wifi safely.

Picture 1 of Potential risks from public wifi and 5 ways to increase security

Public Wi-Fi brings many conveniences and cost savings to users, but it also comes with serious potential risks.

The dangers of using public wifi

Today, cybercrime is growing faster than ever, and very few people can escape their scrutiny. One of the common areas of activity for cybercriminals is public wifi connections. When you join a public wifi server, hackers will be able to seize the opportunity to break into your device in the following ways:

1. Packet Sniffing

If hackers have the right software and methods, they can see all the data and work on public wifi connections. Everything you do on your device, including entering passwords, banking information, financial service information, chat content, emails, even data stored on your computer, can be monitored or hacked. rob them if they're valuable. Hackers can use this information to steal money, extort money, exchange personal data, etc.

2.Stealing passwords, bank accounts with fake websites

By creating fake websites like Facebok, your bank's Internet Banking page, and then redirecting users to this fake page for you to enter your password. Quite simply, they have obtained your password and banking information. Once they get their hands on this information, the money in your account is in jeopardy. In addition, they can also use your Facebook to scam and steal other people's money, can even damage your reputation and many relationships. 

One piece of advice for you is to avoid online shopping or bank transfers over public wifi. Better yet, switch to your own mobile Internet connection if possible. You can also use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt all your Internet traffic and conduct transactions securely that way.

If you're using online banking, use your bank's official app and provide full encryption. If there's any doubt, stop shopping until you can be sure it's safe.

Picture 2 of Potential risks from public wifi and 5 ways to increase security

Avoid online shopping or bank transfers over public wifi, you're better off switching to your own mobile Internet connection.

3. Insert malware and spread viruses

Hackers can inject malicious code into your device over your wifi connection without your knowledge; Malware can then be used to copy private information.

Imagine, you open a familiar website every day and suddenly appear a strange message related to computer security, asking you to download the antivirus immediately. A lot of you will 'carefree' download and accidentally activate the backdoor so that hackers can remotely access the computer anytime they want. 

In addition to these concerns, cybercriminals use another trick, simpler but more cunning. It's mimicking a public wifi connection and tricking you into connecting to their server instead of the real public wifi server.

If you mistakenly connect to the connection provided by the hacker, the entire device and data will be exposed.

Why is it better to use your own mobile data?

Because at this point, your connection is through the mobile network. None of the above happens when you are connected to the Internet with your own data. 

While it is not possible to 100% avoid being hacked, this creates enough difficulty to deter hackers that most cybercriminals won't even try.

Picture 3 of Potential risks from public wifi and 5 ways to increase security

It is safer to connect to the Internet with your own data.

How to use public wifi safely

If you must use public wifi, here are 5 things you can do to increase your security and reduce the risk.

1. Avoid unknown open networks

In situations where public wifi must be used, you should avoid open networks of unknown origin. Usually, free wifi networks in department stores, hotels and airports are relatively safe because they don't set up wifi to track who is using that network. 

However, also pay attention to the spelling of the network name, do not log into the network of the impostor. Often public wifi networks operated by large organizations will immediately ask you to agree to terms before allowing you to use the network, while small businesses need to share passwords with customers for free. fee. You should not connect to unknown wifi networks without password protection even if the network has better connection quality than the one you are used to.

2. Avoid slow public wifi networks

After logging into a public wifi network and found that the connection was slow, even having problems even when connecting to the most common websites. Then it's better to disconnect. The slower the public wifi network, the more dangerous it is.

This is likely because the router has been compromised, causing the connection to be slow. Another possible explanation is that you are not connected to the actual router but are connecting to another device that is set as the (wifi) router. The slow speed could be because the data is being routed through the rogue device (wifi) you clicked on by mistake.

3. Make sure the firewall is turned on

Leaving TCP and UDP ports on your computer open is like leaving the door of your house unlocked unattended. To prevent intrusion, these ports need to be hidden, and that's what firewall software does.

In Windows 10 and 11 systems, the computer has a firewall enabled by default, but still need to check to make sure that the firewall is turned on before connecting to public wifi.

5. Turn on VPN

Picture 4 of Potential risks from public wifi and 5 ways to increase security

To use VPN, first connect to wifi, then connect to VPN. Once these two connections are established, normal Internet browsing is possible.

To protect your private information, your computer or smartphone's internet activity should be routed through a virtual private network (VPN). To use VPN, first connect to wifi, then connect to VPN. Once these two connections are established, normal Internet browsing is possible.

A VPN will ensure that you are connected using a virtual private network, encrypting all your personal information and not exposing your data to potential hackers.

Obviously, a trusted VPN must be used for this policy to work. For this reason, most free VPNs do not protect personal privacy as closely as paid services. Independent review sites like The Wirecutter and That One Privacy Site can help.

4. Prioritize using HTTPS protocol

Pages that start with https:// are more secure links than the old http protocol, because these https:// links add an extra layer of data encryption as the data travels. between the web and your computer.

Therefore, when accessing websites, make sure that they transmit data over these encrypted connections. Today's websites generally use this secure connection, but some older sites (or malicious sites) do not.

If you use an insecure http connection (no 's' in the acronym), anyone on the same network can see the traffic exchanged between you and the website. This includes any sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, payment information, addresses, etc.

Obviously, when using a public wifi connection, you're sharing the network with a lot of people who can see what you're doing. Therefore, you don't know which of them could be hackers, and easily fall prey to them.

Picture 5 of Potential risks from public wifi and 5 ways to increase security

Pages that start with https:// are more secure links than the old http protocol, because these https:// links add an extra layer of data encryption as the data travels. between the web and your computer.

For additional protection, you can install the 'HTTPS Everywhere extension' from the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF). It works with Chrome, Firefox, Edge…, further reducing the accidental use of unsafe websites.

With the above knowledge, hopefully you can apply it when accessing public wifi networks to keep yourself safe.