Predict life through blood index

The researchers analyzed three clinical indicators of immunity and inflammation to predict mortality risk and life expectancy.

The team of the Cleveland Clinic and the University of Cleveland Hospital Medical Center said on Tuesday it surveyed and analyzed data on more than 31,000 people over a 12-year period. They looked at three main factors in the blood index: lymphocyte (leukocyte), red blood cell distribution range and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration.

Results showed a correlation between lymphocyte count and mortality. This correlation does not depend on age or other clinical factors.

Picture 1 of Predict life through blood index
Blood numbers can help predict a patient's life expectancy.(Photo: Frolicsompl).

To identify biomarkers in people at high risk of death, the team calculated the number of white blood cells in a patient's blood sample. Leukocytes decrease when lymphocyte levels are low. Low lymphocyte numbers are a hallmark of deaths from heart disease, cancer and respiratory infections, including flu and pneumonia.

Therefore, combining all three indicators helps researchers to document a patient's risk of death. Accordingly, people at low risk of death usually live 10 years longer than people at high risk.

  1. Lymphocytes are white blood cells, including B types and B lymphocytes, which play an important role in the body's immune system. These cells are created in the bone marrow and circulate in the blood, lymphatic tissue. The cells work together to protect the body from foreign organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and cancer cells.
  2. The width of the red blood cell distribution width (RRD) , indicates the body's ability to create and maintain a healthy red blood cell population.
  3. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an nonspecific, cross-reactant reagent to diagnose bacterial infections and inflammatory disorders, such as rheumatic fever or rheumatoid arthritis.

These are important indicators for human health.