The elixir helps you reduce blood fat

Fatty blood is also known as dyslipidemia or high blood fat. Normally in the blood there is a certain percentage of fat, which is assessed by the index of cholesterol, triglycerid test . If the index is higher than the permitted level, it is called fatty blood. In particular, high cholesterol is a characteristic index of the disease.

Modern life, the number of people suffering from fatty blood disease increases rapidly and tends to rejuvenate. However, many people are still indifferent to the disease without knowing the health is seriously threatened.

For people with high blood fat often have to take drugs to lower blood fat and not eat a lot of fat, especially animal fat, limit sugar consumption and increase exercise . In fact, some foods when eaten again has the effect of lowering blood fat, sometimes without using drugs.

Picture 1 of The elixir helps you reduce blood fat

Food has the effect of reducing blood fat

Bean sprouts

Green bean is one of the very good cholesterol-lowering products, the price during the sprouting process, vitamin C can be 6.7 times higher than that of green beans. Vitamin C content can boost cholesterol excretion, prevent cholesterol from accumulating in the artery wall.

The fiber in green bean sprouts can help eliminate residues in the body, can also combine with cholesterol in the body and convert that cholesterol into cholic acid, except to remove it from the body, thereby lowering the level. cholesterol.


Apples work to reduce fat effectively, rich pectin in apples is a water-soluble fiber, can be combined with bile acid, like sponges absorb excess cholesterol and help to remove it from the body . Pectin can also be combined with other substances such as vitamin C, sugar to lower cholesterol, thereby increasing the effectiveness of reducing body fat.


In peanuts contain abundant plant sterols, this is a type of stero compound that is common in hard-shelled foods such as walnuts, sesame, almonds . that can control the body's ability to absorb cholesterol. , lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition, the choline and lecithin contained in the body make the body's cholesterol break down into other substances excreted.

Picture 2 of The elixir helps you reduce blood fat


Research indicates that squash does not contain fat, very low sodium content, has a low diuretic effect. In the squash also contains malonic acid, which can lower blood fat and eliminate excess fat in the body.


Shiitake has extremely rich nutrients, is a precious food in dishes; It has the effect of many drugs such as lowering blood pressure, fat burning, anti-tumor, anti-toxins.


Lettuce is a cellulose food that lowers blood fat. The cellulose itself is not absorbed into the body but it works to fill the abdomen, reduce the absorption of food into the body and push the garbage in the intestine to the outside, effective to reduce fat, prevent sugar. intestinal tumors. Regularly eating lettuce can prevent high blood pressure, high fat in the blood.

Black wood ear

Black-eared wood contains colloids that help the colon to contract more strongly, causing the intestinal fat to excrete, reducing the absorption of fat in food, reducing blood fat, preventing evidence. fat.

Effective reduction of blood fat

According to nutrition experts, changing diet is the most effective measure to prevent blood fat.

- Avoid eating foods high in saturated fat, including meat, milk, cheese, whole milk and butter.

- Absorb 25% - 35% of calories from unsaturated fat.

- Eat as little as margarine, baked goods and cakes as little as possible.

- Maintain proper weight

- Increases dietary fiber, including zucchini, apples, baked potatoes, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, citrus, dates, dried beans, lentils, plums and strawberries.

- Eat more foods containing stanol and plant stenol such as germ, wheat bran, tofu, vegetable oil (corn, sesame and olive oil), almonds to reduce LDL bad cholesterol.

- Choose poultry, milk and lean, low-fat or non-fat foods.

- Remove fat before cooking.

- Instead of frying meat or fish, it can be replaced by baking and steaming.

- Eat more grains and green vegetables to increase fiber intake, lower cholesterol.

- Check the nutrient content on the labels to know how much fat is in the food you will eat.