Prehistoric people also like fashion

Who told the prehistoric people to eat fur at the hole without aesthetic? The latest discovery shows that Neanderthals used to use feathers as fashion accessories.

>> When did people know how to wear clothes?

Picture 1 of Prehistoric people also like fashion Neanderthals

While studying the remains of Neanderthals at Fumane cave near Verona (Italy), the ancient anthropologist Marco Peresani of Ferrara University and his colleagues discovered about 660 bird bones, dating back 44,000 years. These bones belong to 22 birds, in which the wing bones have traces of hair removal. ' Cuts, peels and curls are all over the wings, suggesting someone wants to get big feathers for a purpose ', according to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) article.

Birds found in the cave include bearded vulture, red-footed falcon, European-Asian black vultures, golden eagles, doves, red-footed crows . The feathers of these birds have all kinds of colors, from black, gray, gray to gray to orange. Peresani expert said that the Neanderthals at Fumane cave had feathered wings for beauty, because the longest and most beautiful wing feathers.

Earlier, scientists at the University of Bristol (UK) discovered Neanderthals - living 100,000 years ago and extinct 30,000 years ago - using bright colored shells for jewelry. Some shells also contain yellow, red and black powder mixtures - substances that ancient Egyptians used to make cosmetics. This shows that Neanderthals at the time also knew how to apply makeup.

These findings contribute to helping scientists determine whether Neanderthals are bred, barbarians, or have developed as complex as Homo sapiens, the ancestors of humans today?