Karabo lived nearly two million years ago, probably our first ancestor and was

According to some linguists, all current languages are derived from a primitive language. But few people know what language did the ancestors of human beings use?

In the area of 6 communes in Ba Be Lake area and Nang River basin, archaeologists discovered 3 sites with traces of prehistoric people.

Two Dutch biology archaeologists have just published studies of a grilled beef beef meal dating back to 7,700 years of prehistoric people ...

Who told the prehistoric people to eat fur at the hole without aesthetic? The latest discovery shows that Neanderthals used to use feathers as fashion accessories.

In the survey, archaeological survey in late November and early December 2010 in Hung Dao commune, Hoa An district, Cao Bang province, Vietnam Institute of Archeology ...

Archaeological researchers found a lot of traces of prehistoric people 7,000 years ago in Khuoi Na cave in Ha Giang.

Irkutsk archaeologists (Russian Federation) are standing on the threshold of a world-class discovery ...

Australian scientists believe that prehistoric people lived on the Indonesian island of Flores at least a million years ago.

A prehistoric human skeleton that scientists have discovered in South Africa can help us fill in the missing information in the gap in the evolutionary story of mankind.