Prepare vaccine from gold

US scientists have used gold to produce a new vaccine that helps prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a leading cause of common respiratory infections in humans.

RSV virus is currently the leading cause of lower respiratory infections in humans, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and an estimated 65 million cases each year, mainly in the elderly and children.

Experts determine that RSV toxicity may partially come from a protein called F, which covers the surface of the virus. The F protein has caused the virus to enter the cells and also make the cells stick together, making it more difficult to remove the virus.

Picture 1 of Prepare vaccine from gold
US scientists have found a way to use gold to make RSV vaccine

The natural defense of the body before RSV is therefore directed towards the F protein. However, until recently, researchers have been struggling to create a vaccine to deliver F protein to specialized immune cells. special in the body. If successful, the F protein can activate an immune response, helping the body "remember" the pathogen if the subject is infected with the virus.

Traditional vaccines are often produced from dead or inactivated viruses. However, according to the patent group from Vanderbilt University (USA), new vaccines use "gold dust" to enhance human immune system. The mechanism of the new vaccine is that tiny gold dust particles will fake the RSV virus and carry F proteins to immune cells in the body.

In the experiments, the team created small, "super" gold nanorods that closely resemble the size and shape of RSV. The gold nanorods were successfully coated with external F proteins and adhered to each other thanks to their unique chemical and physical characteristics.

The results showed that gold dust not only helped to bring the F protein to the intended target but also did not cause harm to human body cells, bringing great advantages to safety and increasing the likelihood of becoming a Real vaccine for humans.