Prevent the impact of chemical weapons by squid

Recent research by US scientists shows that an enzyme of squid may limit the effects of chemical weapons and protect people.

In the study, a team at the University of Tennessee identified an enzyme produced by the squid body called the bioscavenger . It can reduce the effects of other types of neurotoxins and lethal chemical weapons.

Picture 1 of Prevent the impact of chemical weapons by squid
Image: Flickr

If used correctly, this enzyme can destroy harmful agents in the human body from the effects of war or exposure to dangerous chemicals.

According to Nature World News, the method of studying enzymes by neutron scattering technology and computational science allows scientists to look more closely and understand the mechanism of neurotoffectiveness.

Specialists focus on neurotoxins such as sarin, one of the most toxic chemical weapons. They hope to be able to produce a prophylactic drug that will neutralize the effects of toxic chemical weapons, such as those used in Syrian civil war.

Research is a new step in the search for effective protection against dangerous chemical weapons. It can be applied to people through injection, injection or wound dressings.