'Red monster' is listed on the US coast

Thousands of Jumbo squid, also known as "red monsters" rushed to the west coast of the United States in the past few days.

>>>The mystery of thousands of Humboldt squid washed ashore

Picture 1 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
The bodies of Jumbo squid began to appear on the beaches from December 21.

Picture 2 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
Many people have sought to help Jumbo squid by
throw them into the sea, but then they rush to shore again.

Picture 3 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
This phenomenon has happened continuously for many years,
but scientists have not found the cause.

Picture 4 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
Jumbo squid body length can reach 150cm.

Picture 5 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
Some experts believe that climate change, domestic temperature increases,
The outbreak of toxic algae can be the cause of ink
Jumbo pipes lose their orientation so they rush to shore.

Picture 6 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
Beneficiaries in collective suicides of Jumbo squid
are gulls, sea lions and many other predators.

Picture 7 of 'Red monster' is listed on the US coast
A jumbo squid in the ocean.