Quitting school at the age of 13, writing books and teaching web making

Russian girl Olia Morozova (16) dropped out of school at the age of 13, wrote and sold two specialized books on creating websites, making money because courses on creating websites on the Internet . are a topic to talk about. Russia.

The story began in the year when Olia was 11 years old, when she was so familiar with the Internet and reveled in creating websites by self-searching and reading specialized books. At the age of 13, Olia dropped out of school, signed a book-writing contract with a specialized publisher.

Due to contact via the Internet, publishers are not lucky enough to know their partner's age. Until the contract was signed, the publisher sent a letter asking Olia to "correct the birth year" to discover a minor partner. To make an insurance contract (without this condition, it is impossible to sign a publishing contract), people think of a way to bring her mother to co-author!

Picture 1 of Quitting school at the age of 13, writing books and teaching web making

Olia and the two books she wrote were sold out.Photo: KP

The first 1,000 USD she received after selling out her books. While his classmates were studying hard, Olia embarked on the second book. So far, both books have been sold out. Currently Olia is organizing web teaching classes on the Internet. The price for each "crab" is three thousand rubles. Olia's monthly income ranges from 6 thousand to 20,000 rubles (about 250 to 700 US dollars).

The fact that Olia left school and made money was not entirely because of her family's lack of knowledge, or lack of knowledge. Olia is a doctor of biology, her mother graduated from medical school and opened her own training courses on the Internet. Her father, Mikhail, is an engineer and commercial director of a Moscow company. She has two younger brothers and one sister.

Recipe: " Learning is bright, not learning is dark " is the truth in this intellectual family. Yet the niece in the family, who has just learned two-thirds of the eighth grade program, breathed out: " School knowledge does not apply in everyday life ." And Olia convinced her parents to allow her to do what she wanted. Only her grandmother is still anxious to follow the strange turn of her niece.

Talking about why she quit school, Olia said, " Speaking of school, please make it clear that I don't run. I have my path, I don't want to learn boring recipes. Why do I need teachers when I can see all the knowledge on Yandex (the largest search engine on the Russian Internet) ".

Is she growing up early?

According to journalists, Olia was still joking around with the children, still nearly every time they bought a gift from the royalties earned. She is not the one who immerses herself in the virtual world. " I have a British dog, very big and beautiful. And I am also interested in boyfriends. Maybe I am six years older than I like. I do know a boyfriend, Yuri, on the Internet, But we didn't meet in the chat rooms, but on the street , "Olia said.

Talking about her daughter, Mrs. Tachiana said: " I argued and proved tired of what we think is right. But then I have to accept that the books that Olia published will be the passport. I feel that at the age of 13, I know very well what I want in life, and decided not to force my child with my authority.

However, I advise other parents not to experiment like that with their children. When the child has no clear purpose, it is best to follow the standard path: high school, high school, college. As for Olia, I clearly see how dissatisfied she was when she came home from school, while now she is very lively when she does what she likes. And the general curriculum is not lost - when you want, you can still read ".

How does Olia imagine my future path?

She said she hadn't thought about it yet because she was busy embarking on a third major computer book. Meanwhile, some educators disagreed with Olia and her family. They claim that Olia's weakness is that she does not dare to cope with stress.

According to the Principal of the 1199 Moscow Gifted School Sergei Bebchuk: " Even the most ordinary school also gives people a basic knowledge base. How can you choose a future path if you don't know anything? "For example, Olia must go abroad. What do I do then? Back to learning a foreign language? Why do I have to spend time on things I can do from now on? "

Temporarily, Olia is called a "special pedagogical case". Certainly, Olia's path will be followed by many experts.

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