Ra-226 radioactive substances affect the environment, health?

According to information from police agencies, among telecom cables exploited by fishermen in the sea in some provinces (Tuoi Tre on 10-5) are seized by authorities with a number of connecting devices. contains the radioactive source Ra-226 signal Ferranti type N0 AD43.

What is Ra-226, when it spreads out and affects the environment and health? Mr. Ngo Dang Nhan - Director of Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Control - said:

Picture 1 of Ra-226 radioactive substances affect the environment, health? (Photo: TTO) - Ra-226 radioactive substance is the 88th element in the periodic table of chemical elements. Ra-226 is a natural radioactive substance, alpha radioactive decay and has a half-life of 1,600 years. Ra-226 has many applications in health and industry. Until 1940, Ra-226 was still the only radioactive source used in practice prepared from natural radioactive ores.

The main application of Ra-226 is for radiation therapy to treat uterine tumors. In addition, it is also used in luminescent paint, lightning protection equipment, fire alarms, electronic equipment. In electronic devices, Ra-226 is often used in the form of sulfate salts or brominated coatings on cathodes (cathodes) of electronic lamps. Ra-226 combines with Be used to create neutron sources.

* How can this substance spread to the environment and disperse?

- Ra-226 for medical and industrial use is usually covered with platinum, platinumiri alloy and some other alloys (in some cases the case is made of gold). Ra-226 is enclosed in casings that are not capable of dispersing into the environment. However, if these sheaths are broken, Ra-226 will easily disperse into the surrounding environment because it is often in the form of salt. On the other hand, Ra-226 when radioactive decay becomes Rn-222 is also a very easy radioactive material to spread to the surrounding environment.

* When released into the environment, does Ra-226 affect the surrounding environment and human health?

- Ra-226 is classified as the highest radioactive toxicity. It is assessed that if one eats (or drinks) an amount of 2.5mg of Ra-226, the person will be subjected to an effective dose of 25Sv, while the probability of getting cancer and death will be 1Sv. is 4%. When released into the environment, Ra-226 will definitely adversely affect human health, the level of dependence on the amount of Ra-226 invades the body.

* Can Ra-226 be released to the environment? How to prevent its toxic effects?

- Ra-226 has been released to the environment still recoverable, by collecting contaminated parts and applying appropriate treatment measures. The best way to prevent the toxic effects of Ra-226 on the environment and health is to recover the previously used Ra-226 volume (no longer in need of continued use) and apply measures. France fixed it in concrete blocks, stored at the central storage of radioactive sources.

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