Rabbits do not like to eat carrots as people often think

Images of rabbits chewing on carrots often appear on cartoons, but in fact this rooted vegetable is not good for rabbits.

Picture 1 of Rabbits do not like to eat carrots as people often think
Rabbits do not like to eat carrots as people often think

According to the long-held concept, carrots are the favorite food of rodents with this lovely appearance. But, experts who discovered the vegetables could cause rabbits to have cavities, as well as cause other health problems.

Approximately 11% of domestic rabbits suffer from abusive and digestive caries, Telegraph reports led by Bristol University (UK).

According to the same study, regular rabbits do not eat vegetables with roots, cereals or fruits, especially lettuce because they can endanger them. Carrots and apples contain a lot of vegetable sugars, so they recommend feeding them only a little.

The British Association of Animal Protection recommends feeding rabbits with dark green leaves such as cabbage, kale, broccoli (all should be washed), with rations compatible with their size .