Do not chop carrots before boiling

Cooking the whole carrots and then chopping them up will increase their cancer resistance by 25%, experts say.

Picture 1 of Do not chop carrots before boiling Cooking whole tubers will prevent valuable nutrients from being washed away by water, the team explains. And moreover, this orange fruit will taste better than when chopped.

Carrots have long been known for their very good effects on the body, especially fiber and vitamins. They contain a large amount of carotenoids - substances that convert into vitamin A in the body. They are also a very rich source of food against falcarinol.

In a previous study, Dr. Kirsten Brandt found that rabbits that ate carrots or falcarinol extract reduced their risk of developing tumors by one-third compared to those who did not.

Recently, Brandt and his colleagues have gone even further in this study. They found that freshly chopped and boiled carrots contained 25% more falcarinol than when cut before boiling.

When cutting carrots, we increase their contact area with water, and increase the loss of nutrients into the water. The temperature softens the cell walls in the tubers, and causes the vitamins and falcarinol to escape.

"The interesting thing about this study is that this is a simple way for people to increase the anti-cancer compound for the body. All you need is a bigger pot , " Brandt said.

Carrie Ruxton, a nutritionist, was delighted with the discovery. But she added that perhaps the best way to eat carrots is to eat raw.