Regret the past will destroy health

People who always feel angry, regret or bitter when reminiscing past unhappy things are more likely to get sick and are more likely to suffer pain.

>>>Decode the memory phenomenon of past lives

That is the conclusion of researchers at the University of Granada (Spain) after surveying 50 people and discovering the attitude of each person with the past directly affects the health and quality of life. in one's own.

Picture 1 of Regret the past will destroy health
The attitude of pessimism with the past affects the health and quality of life of people.

Participants, including 25 men and 25 women, aged 20-70, conducted a oral test with questions that focused on a person's attitude to the past, present and future: they pessimistic about the past, staring at the future or balancing the past and the future to focus on the present.

Based on the test results, the members are divided into small groups. Each group continues to complete a questionnaire on quality of life for scientists to determine their physical and intellectual health.

The results showed that people with negative attitudes about the past find it difficult in daily activities, low working efficiency, easier to get sick and suffer from less pain. In addition, they tend to be depressed, anxious and change in character and behavior.

The group of people who only take care of the future is often too ambitious but forget to enjoy life in the present.

The happiest and healthiest people are those who learn from the past, towards the future but not forgetting the life at the present.

According to Dr. Cristián Oyanadel, co-author of the study: 'Negative attitudes about the past make people have a pessimistic view and present their present, future for fate. This affects relationships and factors affecting their quality of life. '