Regrowth of the skull after 5 decades

A serious car accident picked up a large piece of skull on a British man's head. Oddly enough, 50 years later, the bone has regained its fullness, a phenomenon that is considered extremely rare.

DailyMail said Gordon Moore, 72, wore a piece of metal on his head to protect the brain for more than 50 years, after being turned over in 1955.

Picture 1 of Regrowth of the skull after 5 decades Gordon Moore brought this piece of metal at the top of his head for over 50 years. Photo: DailyMail.

Three years after the first accident, he encountered another accident that caused the head plate with metal to hit the rearview mirror, leaving a dent on it.

Last year, when treating infections on his head, doctors discovered that the piece of metal protruded from the top of the head.

Thinking that the skin graft couldn't cover the wound anymore, the doctor decided to remove the metal. But when he took him to the operating table, people were surprised to find that the new bone had grown there, embracing the indentation of the metal plate.

Picture 2 of Regrowth of the skull after 5 decades And when the metal was removed, the doctors were surprised to find that the bone had regained it. Photo: DailyMail.

According to experts, it is not surprising if this happens in young children, because their bones are developing. But such cases on adults are rarely recorded. And especially the impression of Gordon Moore's song is that the area of ​​his bone is quite large.

Moore himself said the piece of metal never made him uncomfortable, but he also assured that from now on no longer "wake up the airport alarm bell".

Tests will continue to be done to measure the thickness and stiffness of the new bone area.