Remember the rare leopard in Malaysia

A rare and precious leopard species has been recorded by biologists at Dermakot Forest Reserve in Sabah, Malaysia.

Picture 1 of Remember the rare leopard in Malaysia

This leopard species is called Sundaland Leopard ( Neofelis Diardi ), distributed in low density on the islands of Malaysia such as Borneo, Sumatra and the islands at Batu. They are a rare and hard-to-detect leopard species, so even though they were known in 2006, they have not been recorded until now. Previously, they were mistaken for a subspecies of the Asian leopard, but are now identified as a separate species.

The average size of Sundaland brocade is about 12-25 kg. They have black oval-shaped spots on them that are easy to distinguish. In particular, this is one of the least known and studied cats in the world.

Currently, they have been classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and are being studied by scientists to protect.