Research: belief in fate will determine people

Recent research by Duke University psychologists (USA) has shown the idea of ​​human destiny exists in all cultures and they develop as a way to deal with difficult decisions. .

This means, when it is difficult to decide on a certain problem, most people will give up and let fate.

Researcher Aaron Kay said: "For many people, destiny is a supernatural belief. This belief creates a positive and negative effect, affecting people's thinking and choices."

Picture 1 of Research: belief in fate will determine people

He added: "Many people believe that, whatever happens and how the results are decided in advance. Or it can be said, fate destined all."

To test this hypothesis, experts conducted research based on voting options before the US presidential election in 2012. Two weeks before the election, they conducted an online survey of 189 people and found that, participants find it difficult to make a choice between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Picture 2 of Research: belief in fate will determine people

But surprisingly, these people agreed with the statement: "The fate of the United States has been decided and the winner of the election must have been able to shoulder this heavy duty."

Almost all subsequent research points to a conclusion: "Everything that happens has its reasons, belief in destiny can help reduce the psychological burden of people when it comes to giving. making difficult decisions ".