Revealing the personality of a person who dreams to kill

Surveys by German scientists show that those who dream about themselves killing are often introverted, unfriendly and even aggressive towards others.

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Picture 1 of Revealing the personality of a person who dreams to kill
People who dream about themselves killing are often introverted, difficult to socialize, easy to be hostile and aggressive towards others.

Prof. Michael Shredl and colleagues at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim City, Southwest Germany, analyzed the character of 443 students and surveyed dreams about these people.

On average, students recall 2 to 3 dreams per week, of which 19% dream about killing people and most of them are men.

They think that dreams are more extensive than real life events and hostility, introvert and emotional repression in real life reveal in dreams of murder.

Picture 2 of Revealing the personality of a person who dreams to kill

However, another dream expert, Prof. William Domhoff at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in the US, said that the questions raised by the research team were given to participants when they were awake, so they did not reflect their inner values. dream content Prof. Domhoff also said that the percentage of people dreaming of murdering up to 19% is too high. His survey of 100 men and 100 women showed that the ratio was only 3.8% for men and 0.6% for women.

Reference: Live Science