Revealing the truth about aliens from 100 years ago

The time machine may not be real, but since there is a special section in the New York Times archive file, we can refer to real newspapers that have been published decades ago. In 1906, the paper published an article about aliens living on the red planet.

This sounds ridiculous! With the fleet of spacecraft and detectors available on the red planet, we know that the chances of finding green people running around on Mars's surface are very fragile and almost hopeless. . However, interest in the red planet and its potential population has been sought for centuries.

After observing the vestiges believed to be canals on the surface of Mars , the famous astronomer Percival Lowell claims that there is life on the red planet. He believed that the canal was made up of a civilization that lived on it. So far, although this astronomer has a firm belief in the existence of aliens on the red planet, we have yet to prove whether there is existence of life on Mars.

In the 1700s, astronomers, at first, found that the unusual dents on the planet near the Earth in the galaxies looked similar to Earth's canals. Mars officially became famous in the late 1800s by astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli - close to that time another astronomer, Asaph Hall, confirmed the existence of two Martian moons.

Picture 1 of Revealing the truth about aliens from 100 years ago
Countless canals on Mars, creating a massive system wisely planned.

Luckily smiling at Schiaparelli, Mars was in the opposite position in 1877, creating a golden opportunity for him to observe. This Italian astronomer was able to detect dents or "canals" on the surface of Mars, literally understood as close to the dents or depressions on the surface of the planet. This is not so exciting, but they have found something new.

Lowell continued Schiaparelli's research and he wanted to raise the building to a higher level. He built his own observatory to study the canals on the surface of Mars - and this, later, made him more famous for discovering Pluto - he himself had great merit. in creating fever for Mars topics.

"Something was created that shows who created it," he explained in the New York Times. "Numerous canals on Mars, creating a massive, wisely planned system have been designed to supply water to the oases of the vast deserts that have formed the surface of onions. This, is an argument without an answer to the existence of intelligent and conscious life. "

The existence of these canals and the ability of a group of alien creatures to create them has spread widely. In fact, Schiaparelli's diagram of drawing dents shows a strange resemblance to Venice's canals, which continues to speculate that an alien civilization has Create these canals.

However, there was a mistake in the translation from the documents found by Schiaparelli, and the word "Canali" is mistakenly translated as a true canal, which is understood to include essential water and life.

While NASA later found evidence of water on Mars, scientists are still searching for signs of life.