Revealing the twin sun mysteries in China

The twin sun was seen in the sky of China. According to scientists, this phenomenon is very rare.

A video showing the appearance of two suns at the same time in China shocked the online community. An orange sun, another sun is yellow and looks taller.

Picture 1 of Revealing the twin sun mysteries in China
Images of twin suns in China (

What really happened?Life's Little Mysteries science website asked the University of Illinois astronomer, Jim Kaler to decipher the mysterious phenomenon.

According to Kaler, the appearance of a twin sun is the effect of optical refraction or refraction. However, he added, " this is also very rare ."

" I suspect that this phenomenon is due to photoshop technology from computers," Kaler said. "However, I firmly believe there is a kind of atmosphere somewhere that can cause this spectacular phenomenon in nature. This looks like an illusion ," he added.

Illusion phenomenon often occurs when light is refracted. Usually happens near the horizon, where the air is thicker, and links vertically on or below the original light source - not next to it, like in a video. According to Kaler, that difference can occur when random atmospheric fragments lie in front of the sun and create special effects.

Although it was wonderful, the appearance of this twin sun had previously happened. Also appeared on the sky two moons as stated in the book "Light and color outside" by astronomer Marcel Minnaert.

Meanwhile, a number of other atmospheric optical scientists that Life's Little Mysteries contacted have admitted they have never seen the scene as in the video above.

" This is not a normal optical phenomenon we often see," said Grant Perry, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin. "I wonder if this could be made by the lens. However, if that is the case, the image will move if the camera is switched ," Perry said. "But that didn't happen ."

On the optical side, he said, " You can assume there are ice particles or something in the same air that can refract the sun at a very small angle, but only in one direction ."

Some of the effects of atmospheric optics have been scientifically explained, sunset illusion (sunset mirages), sun pillars . But the appearance in the video above No definition has ever appeared. However, " it is very interesting , " said Kaler.