Robots are increasingly like humans
' George fled! - Alan Schultz ordered. George thought for a moment and then said hoarsely: ' I'm going to hide now!'.
Then George hid behind the carton and said, ' I have reached the goal. ' Of course, Mr. Schultz is not difficult to find George. In return when Schultz was hiding in his room, George found him even though it took a bit more time.
George knows how to play hide and seek. This childish game is still quite complicated for George because it is . a robot invented by Mr. Schultz. American George's robot is a clear illustration of the trend of inventions of scientists: bringing more people to machines and making machines more interactive with humans.
Robot George identifies its father, researcher Alan Schultz (Photo: AP)
' Robot works in human habitat, for me it is the final border ' - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researcher Cynthia Breazeal said. 'The robots of the future must understand that the human figures around them are human. Today's robots only envision humans as a chair: that's what they have to move around to observe ' . So researchers are looking for ways to help robots learn to interact smarter with humans. Initially, they built a reception robot, a robot that knows how to dance or a robot that knows how to play with autistic children.
There are many other interesting projects. Soon, people will get acquainted with Huggable, a teddy-shaped robot (costing a few thousand dollars per child) that tracks the mental and physical condition of sick children. There is also a robot, the penguin Mel, who looks at the eyes of the opposite person and moves the mine when the person talks. Smart robots close to such people will be very effective in areas of human care such as helping the elderly, children and people with disabilities.
George robot has a rudimentary shape but knows how to interact with humans
(Photo: AP)
In fact, George is not a very modern and mutant type of technology. It was assembled by the US Naval Center for artificial intelligence research. Researcher Alan Schultz, George's father, however, predicts that within a decade, robots will be widely used in the field of health care and there will be multi-tasking robots in the home.
He anticipated that because in recent years many roboticists have begun to understand how people think, work collectively and exchange information to apply to the creation of smart robots. The new research industry called human interaction - robotics was born with the participation of sociologists, linguists, doctors and even ethics experts. Their intent is clear: how to make robots behave more and more like humans to live with people and best support people. That is no longer a fiction.
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