Russia develops armored vehicles flying

An armored fighting vehicle featuring an air amphibious landing gear and helicopter will be developed by Russia in 2030 to meet the demands of modern warfare.

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Russian Air Force amphibious commander General Vladimir Shamanov said on Aug. 1 that the force will be equipped with hybrid combat vehicles including the features of armored combat vehicles landed and helicopters by 2030, to meet the demands of modern warfare.

Picture 1 of Russia develops armored vehicles flying
BMD-4M amphibious assault rifle

'The armed conflicts in 2020 and 2030 will require a combat vehicle that has hybrid features between an armored vehicle and a helicopter. We are planning to develop a hybrid vehicle between light armored vehicles and helicopters that can carry four people , "said Vladimir Shamanov.

Mr. Shamanov said the force VDV in the near future will receive fighting vehicles armored amphibious air BMD-4M improved version and armored vehicles carrying soldiers Rakushka as well as armored vehicles carrying soldiers BTR-82 fitted Automatic cannon 2A42 30-mm.

The commander of the VDV forces also said that the modern tactical control and command system (C20) would eventually be equipped for paratroopers.

The current Russian air amphibious force consists of about 35,000 soldiers deployed in four divisions and one brigade. Shamovov said the VDV would be adding three air assault brigades to increase its ability to react quickly to future conflicts.