Russia makes navigation devices for the visually impaired

Scientists at Russia's Astrakhan State University invented a unique navigation device for the blind and visually impaired.

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With the help of this device, people with vision problems can easily identify objects in their daily lives.

S-vision , also known as the "Identity System for Persons with Visual Disorders , " is a navigation device capable of helping visually impaired people determine the presence of objects in the front.

Picture 1 of Russia makes navigation devices for the visually impaired

The device recognizes the color or taste, thereby helping the user to identify objects that are difficult to distinguish when exposed. S-vision is designed like a bracelet, with built-in battery and headphones.

According to experts, the shape of the S-vision bracelet is highly applicable, does not interfere with the user's activity and attracts less attention or curiosity.

The new device is based on frequency identification technology. First of all, relatives of the blind need to mark the object on a special card. Each bar symbol will be associated with an audio file stored in the database of the pendulum.

When the bracelet is brought closer to an object, the device activates the card and reads the information contained therein, then connects the database and plays the corresponding sound in the headset. With the goal of daily living, the memory of the shake can record over 100 items.

This is not the first time the world knows about navigation techniques for the blind. However, compared to foreign devices, the S-vision hand shake has a number of advantage points, most prominent is the price and size.

In addition, Russian navigation machines are resistant to humidity, impact resistance, temperature changes and very fast working - capable of detecting about 40 objects in a minute.