Have you ever wondered why the buttons in the elevator always have small floating dots?

Viruses that are transplanted by algae will help blind people to be able to see.

Physicists at Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM), Germany are using graphene to develop artificial retinas that can make optical prostheses to help blind people see their

A group of Australian industrial shaping scientists has successfully developed the first electronic eye in the world, the device can help thousands of blind people in the world

Australian researchers have said that developing technology could support some eyesight for many of the 45,000 blind people in the country of kangaroos.

This device is able to turn sunlight into nerve impulses around the eyes through special silicon glasses placed in the eye.

According to a study published on Nature magazine on April 18, British scientists have for the first time demonstrated that transplanting special cells into the eyes of visually

Blind people can see light as normal people by artificial eyes in the near future, according to research by scientists at Cornell University (USA).

Transplantation to cure blindness has come closer to reality after scientists first successfully developed a retina in the laboratory.

Australian researchers have found a simple yet extremely creative method to treat blind people due to corneal damage.