What is the floating button on the elevator for?

Have you ever wondered why the buttons in the elevator always have small floating dots?

The elevator is something that we use every day, but few people pay attention and think about what small dots on elevator buttons are for!

Picture 1 of What is the floating button on the elevator for?
Can you guess the meaning they are carrying?

So what do these small dots mean in the end? Can you guess the meaning they are carrying? Because they're quite popular, familiar, and very popular!

Picture 2 of What is the floating button on the elevator for?
These floating dots are in a system called "Braille writing system".

These floating dots are in a system called "Braille writing system" . Or called Braille, this is a writing system that uses floating dots for the blind invented by a researcher named Louis Braille. He was also a person with vision loss at the age of 15 due to a terrible accident!

Picture 3 of What is the floating button on the elevator for?
Louis Braille - creator of Braille systems.

Braille system was born in 1824, they were built based on a group of 6 dots divided into two columns, each column has 3 dots.

This Braille system was introduced into Vietnam from the late nineteenth century. However, the Braille system model for the blind in our country is used more specifically because of the heterogeneity between regions and schools. The main reason for the original Braille pattern was originally Latin.

Picture 4 of What is the floating button on the elevator for?

And so the Vietnamese words that Latin does not have, so the Vietnamese have created and added a few special symbols that only in Vietnam have: Â, Ê, Ô, Đ . .