Russian scientists touch the center of the Earth

Russian physicists have discovered that earthquakes, volcanoes and other seismic processes depend not only on the "behavior" of the outer shell, as previously thought, but also on the lower floor. of Earth's crust. This is a new perspective on the planet's life and its structural review.

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The ants make up the continents and the "swim" ocean floor in the top mantle close to the earth's crust. The change of these tectonic plates causes earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. It was previously thought that this movement only involved the top cover near the earth's crust, while the lower layers had almost no effect on seismic processes. But now there are reasons to reconsider this view.

Picture 1 of Russian scientists touch the center of the Earth

Scientists from the Moscow Institute of Crystal Research and the Nuclear Research Institute headed by Professor Igor Lyubutin have discovered the conditions that ferroperiklaz - one of the main minerals of the lower layer of the earth's crust, including oxygen, Magnesium and iron - get new, conductive and thermal conductivity.

Thus, in the ground continuously takes place the process of changing the properties of the material at a certain depth. This process entails changing the magnetic nature of minerals, changing the thermal conductivity, conducting electricity and, of course, changing its density. Changes of all these characteristics often lead to seismic changes.

These new data allow us to find the basis for events that have not been explained by science before.

The result is a challenge to the famous doctrine of the structure of the earth and allows a deep understanding of the process of taking place inside our planet. On the one hand, that raises many questions for new researchers, on the other hand, that also forces science to consider previous data about our planetary structure.