1/3 of Russians believe the Sun revolves around the Earth

One-third of Russians were asked to believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, according to a recent survey by the Russian Center for Social Opinion Research (VSIOM).

Picture 1 of 1/3 of Russians believe the Sun revolves around the Earth
Survey results of basic knowledge of Russian people make scholars worry about the educational program in this country.

The survey, led by the Russian All-Russian Social Research Center (VSIOM), was conducted with 1,600 people across Russia. Participants were asked to answer questions about basic science knowledge taught at every high school level.

According to Reuters news agency, the results were quite surprising when many people incorrectly answered the most basic questions. Specifically, 32% of respondents believe that the Earth is the center of the solar system, 55% said all nuclear radioactivity is man-made and 29% of respondents said, The first person to live on Earth at the same time with dinosaurs.

Olga Kamenchuk, a spokesman for the poll, expressed concern: ' This is an amazing result. All the questions are quite simple, but many people have answered wrongly. This shows that Russia's education program has problems to be adjusted '.

Experts said that part of the Russian myths came from the country's poor and ineffective education program. Russian high school students often consider astronomy as a subject that is not necessary for future careers and therefore does not care whether the Earth orbits the Sun or vice versa .