The Russian government decided to choose 2011

The Young Tiger Summit is held by the International Nature Conservation Fund (WWF) in Vladivostok, Russia from November 18 to 24 ...

On November 24, in Ho Chi Minh City, a meeting between managers and scientists took place in Moscow (Russia) and Ho Chi Minh City.

On July 25, 2009, at the Government Guest House, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on nuclear power cooperation between the Atomic Energy Institute of Vietnam

Russia has announced that it has successfully fired the RS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile (SS-19 Stiletto) from Baikonur space airport in Kazakhstan.

This Silicon Valley is the Skolkovo research center located near Moscow. Billionaire Viktor Vekselberg is one of the people selected to participate in the project.

The underground city will be built at an old mining site with a diameter of 1 km, a depth of 550m in eastern Siberia, Russia.

Karl A. Schilder created the world's first fully metal submarine, and a prototype of the destroyer - the ancestor of modern warships today.

Since the astronaut Yuri Gagarin first flew into orbit and returned to Earth safely (April 12, 1961), the United Nations General Assembly and all humanity took April 12 to make

Translator's Introduction: A world-class science and technology built over the 80 years of the Soviet Union's existence is at risk of decline and heavy lag in the context of