Science affirms positive mantras that only make you more negative

Experts have shown that suppressing negative emotions can cause an extremely negative lifestyle outbreak.

Surely, you are very familiar with positive "mantras" like "I can do it ", or any storm will pass, everything will be fine.

However, science proves that they do not make you happy, live positively. Rather, they didn't work at all.

Why is that?

Understanding simple, positive thinking is the way to develop thinking (mindset) in the direction that we want to receive and this result must be good.

In other words, this is a process of turning energy into reality by thinking only about optimism and positivity.

Picture 1 of Science affirms positive mantras that only make you more negative
Positive "mantras" do not make you live happily and positively.

Although many people believe that positive thinking really helps to achieve joy and happiness, there are also those who think otherwise. Both sides cited a compelling reason to affirm their views and this debate has never ended.

How are "active mantras" counterproductive?

You are good, restraining negative emotions can cause an extreme negative lifestyle outbreak.

If using positive positive statements too often, then, the effect will only appear in a short time and in the long run, they will cause serious consequences. Why?

Picture 2 of Science affirms positive mantras that only make you more negative
Controlling negative emotions can cause an extremely negative lifestyle outbreak.

Recalling a "positive mantra" , our negative emotions may be blocked at first but when it becomes a habit, it is difficult to control "bad emotions" anymore.

Everything in this world needs balance, harmony . This is also the laws of operation and existence of the universe according to the yin and yang theory. Any imbalance leads to unintended consequences.

So, do not fall into the trap of lies . The truth is the truth. It will not change regardless of circumstances and time.

So, the truth will not change even if you recite positive mantra throughout your life. For example, if you are short of money, even if you say millions of times "mantra" "I will have a lot of money", you cannot be miraculously rich. It is better if you accept reality and work harder to increase your income.

Picture 3 of Science affirms positive mantras that only make you more negative
The truth will not change even if you recite positive mantra throughout your life.

Don't forget that "there is always a hypothetical situation and a brutal truth" that evokes a pink perspective to cover reality but it is difficult to solve all real-world problems.

Hard work is the key to getting what you want. Just constantly uttering "mantras" without acting enough will only make you more negative in the long run.

If you do not use these " mantras" what should you do to keep thinking positive?

If you are a believer in positive "mantras" and start to doubt their effectiveness, switch to using value based self-affirmations.

Picture 4 of Science affirms positive mantras that only make you more negative
You need to prove that you are doing everything well instead of just sitting.

Begin by writing your own values ​​and realizing, demonstrating that ability. You need to prove that you are doing everything well instead of just sitting.

As simple as "reassuring" weight loss, you can practice sports, jogging . instead of lying home watching TV, fasting.

A survey has shown that your writing, recognizing your core values ​​will help you quickly balance and achieve the goal of living more effectively.