Find a method of 'immunity' with a sad mood

Israeli scientists have pointed out that the more you are exposed to negative issues, the more "immune" to your sadness.

Scientists at Tel Aviv University (Israel) have recently pointed out that having to interact with many negative events and issues will help you neutralize, "immune" to sadness.

Dr. Moshe Shay Ben Haim, the leader of the research team, said: 'The unhappy mood will make awareness become stagnant. However, we have found an effective way to help you avoid falling into this bad mood in the first place - it's a 'bottle of' with negative stimulation '.

Picture 1 of Find a method of 'immunity' with a sad mood

The researchers conducted a theoretical test using the "Stroop effect" - one of the experimental psychological tools to understand the effect of two opposite stimuli on the reaction time of person.

Research subjects will see a series of pre-printed words and must say the color name of the word. However, the word itself indicates the opposite color (for example, the word 'red' is printed in blue ink), leading to a temporary contrast to the color of the word. This causes a "silence" during the reaction called a Stroop effect.

In this trial, Dr. Ben Haim and his colleagues produced a font with opposite colors and asked participants to repeat the experiment 10-12 times. Experts found that, when negative words displayed twice, the subject could determine their colors immediately.

Next, not only does it represent opposite colors, researchers also add words that have an emotional impact like "terrorism . " Similarly, when the word "terrorist" appears twice, the subject can immediately identify the ink color without "silence" . This shows that negative emotional stimulation will be ineffective when they repeat many times.

Dr. Moshe Shay Ben Haim shared: "This finding will partly help you get out of the bad mood more easily. By constantly finding unhappy information, contact them many times, thereby, you. will have a better mood without being negatively affected by the effect ".