Science proves that coffee does not cause cardiac arrhythmia

Coffee is a very popular drink in the morning because caffeine stimulants always make people feel refreshed.

However, many people are afraid to use coffee because they think it makes their heart beat faster and create a feeling of restlessness. In fact, scientists at the University of California have demonstrated that drinking a cup of solid coffee in the morning doesn't just cause a faster heartbeat but is also good for your health.

Picture 1 of Science proves that coffee does not cause cardiac arrhythmia
Coffee, tea and chocolate are good for the heart and not as harmful as what many people think?

Specifically, the author of this study - Dr. Gregory Marcus - said: "Previous clinical recommendations often prevent the consumption of caffeine-containing products on the grounds of preventing cardiac arrhythmia. According to what I and my colleagues study, coffee, tea and chocolate are good for the heart and not as harmful as many people think. "

Previously, many doctors were educated that symptoms such as heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias were not associated with dangerous cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, atrial fibrillation . However, many studies recently pointed out that these are two categories related to each other and many believe that caffeine is the culprit of such cardiovascular disorders.

To prove this point is wrong, Dr. Marcus and his colleagues conducted an examination of 1,388 people aged 72. In which, more than 60% of respondents used caffeine from products such as coffee. coffee, tea and chocolate. After that, the doctors searched for the manifestations of the two typical diseases caused by heart disorders, which are early ventricular contractions and early atrial contractions. However, they did not detect any unusual manifestations of the two conditions, such as increased ectopy or arrhythmia, regardless of how much the person tested consumed caffeine.

In addition, Dr. Marcus's study also confirmed that drinking coffee is good for the cardiovascular system with regular coffee drinkers having coronary artery disease and reducing mortality due to Cardiovascular disease caused.