Science proves that we should only work 4 days a week

Experts from the University of London (UK) have shown that just 4 days a week not only helps us have more rest and relaxation time, but it is also a way to minimize environmental damage.

At present, we often have to work up to 5 or 6 days a week, even there are people who work all week without holidays. The number of 5 days seems to be the most reasonable, but recently, researchers at the University of London (UK) have proved that working 4 days / week is really good.

Get more rest, go out, explore new things

According to experts from the University of London, working less can help us better balance work and life. That means, people will have more time for family and friends, get more outings and discover more interesting things outside of life. Since then, our spirit will be much better, our mind is also more lucid and especially physically well.

In addition, with 3 days off during the week, we have more time to participate in community activities, such as caring for children and the elderly. Through these activities, we will have the opportunity to enhance communication and improve relationships.

Picture 1 of Science proves that we should only work 4 days a week
According to experts from the University of London, working less can help us better balance work and life.(Illustration).

Reduce the risk of cancer and many other diseases

Many of us still think that multi-hour work will be able to solve more jobs, thereby impressing our superiors and paving the way for advancement opportunities to advance. But, in fact, a study found that women who work more than 40 hours a week for about 30 years are at risk of dying early.

A research team from Ohio State University (USA) interviewed 7,500 people to analyze the relationship between serious diseases and the number of hours worked for about 32 years. They found that people who work an average of over 60 hours a week for three decades tripled the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disorders and arthritis.

And the strange thing is that working too many hours of the week seems to only cause health effects for women , but for men, its impact is negligible. This difference is probably because women tend to face more pressure and stress than men when out of work, they also shoulder the majority of family responsibilities.

Therefore, reducing the working day to 4 days / week will bring more satisfaction to women because of the need to balance work requirements and family obligations.

Reduce mitigation to the environment

According to Alex Williams, a lecturer in Sociology at the University of London, working 4 days a week will be an effective way of minimizing environmental harm, significantly reducing energy consumption.

In fact, for example, if Americans work in less time than in Europe - about 35 hours per week instead of over 40 as they are now, they will save 20% of the energy currently consumed. Since then the emissions of carbon emissions have also decreased significantly.

Picture 2 of Science proves that we should only work 4 days a week
Researchers found that people who work an average of over 60 hours a week for three decades tripled the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disorders and arthritis.(Illustration).

In 2007, the US state of Utah decided to change the working hours for employees. They increased the amount of working time from Monday to Thursday so employees could take a full break on Friday. During the 10 months of working in the working hours, Utah saved $ 1.8 million (about 40 billion VND). Because the number of working days is small, companies will save money related to electricity when not using air conditioners or other devices.

In addition, with 3 days off in a week, we will not waste time moving from home to work anymore, which means saving the amount of energy used in this process. It is estimated that CO2 emissions can be reduced to 12,000 tons / year.

However, by 2011, Utah had to abolish such a way of working because many people complained that they could not access services on Friday.

The reduction of working days in the week really brings many benefits for individuals as well as the whole society, however, there is a truth that makes this never happen, that most of us are working with too much free time. Meanwhile, having 3 days off during the week is only applicable in case we all work at maximum capacity.