Science proves to use many smartphones to make lazy brain work

Studies show that not only does the performance decrease, but smartphones also increase stress in users.

The appearance of smartphones makes our lives seem so much better, from communication to connecting information to the outside world . but besides the phones, with their own mechanism cause a tremendous pressure on the human body.

Not only is the radiation from the phone waves affecting the brain, but the simple smartphone usage habits also have serious impacts on the smartphone owner.

Business Insider has recently increased the download of information that makes sure most readers are startled.

1. Smartphone causes stress

Picture 1 of Science proves to use many smartphones to make lazy brain work
Notifications from smartphones are one of the stressors in many people.

Specifically, research from Business Insider shows that up to 89% of students said that they often feel the phone vibrate but in fact it is not. This virtual vibration syndrome was discovered on most smartphone users today.

Up to 86% of Americans say they have a habit of immediately checking their email and social networks when they receive the notice, which makes them very nervous.

The endocrinologist Robert Lustig said, phone announcements awaken the activity of the front part of the brain - the division that deals with priority issues. Therefore, when the message on the phone is constantly displayed, this part becomes confused, overloaded and causes stress, even fear (to a small extent). This long process will create a series of natural acts: notice - fear, restlessness.

Therefore, "if you do not end stupid things (check phone announcements regularly) then they will cause you lots of trouble".

2. Smartphone reduces 40% of brain performance

Picture 2 of Science proves to use many smartphones to make lazy brain work
Checking messages and notifications constantly will distract you and reduce your productivity.

There is a fact that people cannot handle many things at the same time. Only 2.5% of the world's population can be "versatile" - that is, can do many things at the same time. Therefore, the remaining 97.5% cannot do more than 1 job at the same time.

The appearance of something else while we are working will cause the brain to be distracted and need at least 1/10 second before returning completely to the work in progress - scientists call this "the price of conversion" - it is calculated by the wasted time that a person loses due to other thoughts and jobs while handling a job.

And unfortunately when the messages from the phone or computer, thoughts flashed through the head . even up to 40% of the brain performance - psychologist David Meyer said.

Also, whenever distractions occur, the body will release large amounts of hormone corticol - causing stress . This "transformation" also creates anxiety in thinking, triggering the pre-resting of the brain, activating dopamine - a neurotransmitter that makes sense of the addiction of the brain.

In other words, the stress caused by having to do many things at the same time will cause our bodies to create a behavior called "being bothered". And with the impact of notifications from smartphones, users will always be around in the circle of stress and reducing productivity.

3. Using many smartphones makes the brain lazy

Picture 3 of Science proves to use many smartphones to make lazy brain work
The habit of abuse of search engines causes the brain to be lazy, people are less thoughtful.

In fact, our brain only has a processing rate of about 60 bits per second, so the more work we have to do, the more brain energy we need to break down. This makes many people want to use phones or other electronic assistants to handle more things.

However, studies show that this not only makes our brain more tired, but it also becomes "lazy to work" more.

Specifically, many studies show that smart people are less likely to use search tools on their smartphones than others. That doesn't mean, however, that using lots of smartphones is foolish, but simply smart people because they know more so they use less search engines. However, there is a small correlation between the use of search engines and lazy habits of thinking and analysis of our bodies.

In addition, receiving information from smartphones is a "worst" way , because the human body has a habit of receiving knowledge more deeply from books than from an electronic device screen. This makes people who are reading more often think more deeply and acutely.

A new study in Switzerland says most smartphone users here experience a steady state of both hands and brain when they stare at the phone for a long time.

Not only that, recently psychologists and computer scientists have collaborated to research and point out a rather unusual phenomenon: click on the notifications, or surf the finger on the screen For more social news, our brain feels "uncomfortable". This is unlike the normal behavior of the brain because the more often it is exposed to something, the more the brain remembers and becomes a more natural reflex.

Explaining this, the researchers think that to learn information about the brain that needs participation and to integrate into activities more than simply surfing the finger and collecting information in a simple way.

So, above all, to take advantage of smartphones smartly, we need to manage our time and habits closely to stay comfortable as well as increase productivity.