6 ways of 'brain scams' make people work harder

Learn the super easy tricks to help your brain concentrate and work more effectively.

Some of us have times when we feel depressed, lack of motivation when we start doing a certain job. Some people play sports, read books, watch movies . to regain balance and concentration for the brain. Besides these solutions, researchers also point out some other small tips to help you work more efficiently.

1. Make a list of things to solve, sort from easy to difficult

In case there are too many unresolved things, the time limit is running out, many of us will feel stressed and somewhat distracted. Some people will be frustrated, tend to "entertain" by reading comics, surfing the web .

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But, John Perry, a professor of philosophy at Stanford, suggests we can take advantage of this hesitation to increase productivity. Very simply, write down a small list of the most important things to solve and some less important things to do. Remember to write small, easy things on top of the list and gradually increase the level.

As a result, the brain will realize that those little things seem to be easier to do and not too pressured, then start working. So we don't waste time on other useless things. In addition, when there are many small things on the list, the 'scary' level of the hardest part is also somewhat reduced and makes us more comfortable, thereby working more productive.

2. Use sunlight and keep the body warm

An experiment by Cornell University (USA) showed that the room temperature is too cold will cause the brain to become distracted. Specifically, if the room temperature is lowered from 25 to 20 degrees Celsius, the number of working errors of a group of study participants has increased by 44%.

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Scientists explain if the temperature is too low, the body will focus its energy on keeping warm. So, the brain receives less energy and it is difficult for us to concentrate or work well. Therefore, you should not leave your body too cold - a way to help your brain not be distracted.

Another important factor is that the intensity of natural light also contributes significantly to the concentration of the brain. Exposure to the sun helps the brain increase the secretion of hormone cortisol from the adrenal glands, making it easier for us to concentrate and be more interested in our work.

3. Working at a cafe

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Another interesting suggestion is that instead of confining yourself in a quiet and dull room, look for a bit of noise-like space like a crowded café going in and out to work.

According to the Wall Street Journal, scientists find that in a space with lots of noise, the brain will automatically increase concentration, helping us feel more focused. However, the space we choose should not be too noisy, bustling, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

4. Napping for brain to "recharge" energy

There have been many studies demonstrating the benefits of a short nap (15-20 minutes) for brain performance. Even the world's leading companies such as Google or Apple have allowed their employees to take a nap during their working time.

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According to scientists, sleep consists of many successive cycles. Each cycle has two stages: NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid eye movement). In REM stage, brain wave activity slows down and enhances the ability to remember brain information.

In the University of California study, participants were asked to find a word related to all three words that scientists gave. After the first lesson, the volunteers took a break.

Some sleep for a while, others sleep deeply to reach the REM stage and the rest just relax. Later, they did the same exercise again, the REM sleep group did 40% better, while the other two groups did not improve.

5. Listen to a new kind of music

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Scientists have proven that when listening to music (or any action that satisfies), the brain releases dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter compound that makes it easier to conduct information transmission of brain cells. Moreover, the greater the dopamine concentration in the body, the higher the motivation and excitement.

So why should we listen to a strange music, not the familiar music? Scientists point out that, if you listen to music that is too familiar, the brain will relate to it as a signal of rest and recess. As a result, the brain will become "dead" again.

6. Watch "cute" animal pictures

Researchers at Hiroshima University (Japan) conducted an interesting experiment later. A group of volunteers was shown lovely pictures of puppies and kittens. As a result, the performance of these people increased to 44%.

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Researchers have yet to explain the specific cause of this phenomenon. There is a theory that the lovely images of animals stimulate the feeling of wanting to care for and protect that animal in our brain. Since then, the ability to concentrate on implementing those wishes has also increased.

The above methods will also only help you to avoid distractions in the short term and should not overdo it. The most important thing to help you complete your job is still hard work, determination and a scientific and reasonable schedule.