Sweep the brain to identify lazy people, capable people

A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience recently revealed that brain scanning can identify lazy people and competent people.

The US scientists conducted brain scans of the subjects involved in the study, the results showed that the brains of capable people and lazy people have three specific areas that are not the same.

Picture 1 of Sweep the brain to identify lazy people, capable people

In those who wish to work hard, the striae ( striatum ) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex ( ventromedial prefrontal cortex ) contain a lot of Dopamine - a chemical that signals nerves.

These two areas all play an important role in the sense of reward, encouragement and motivation that leads to personal behavior change.

However, in idiopathic people, the anterior insula (anterior insula) contains a lot of Dopamine. That part is related to mood and feeling of crisis.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is used to help impulse cells.

Michael Treadway, a psychologist with Vanderbilt University in the United States, said previous research results showed that Dopamine plays an important role in reward motivation. However, this study provides us with new information about Dopamine, which can be used to identify different individuals among those seeking rewards.