Scientists also believe in heaven

Dr. Holley Alexander is a neurosurgeon at Harvard. He almost died four years ago because of an E.coli bacterial infection and left him in a coma for a week.

Brain scan results show that most parts of the brain are responsible for making sense, thinking and memory inactive, only the most primitive parts of the brain are active. Doctors thought he had very little survivability, and if his brain survived his life was threatened for the rest of his life.

Holley Andersen said: 'The nurses will come in and they will pull his eyelids up, shine on the flashlight, and his eyes just close and tilt to the side as if he were gone. '.

But Alexander regained consciousness a week later, believing that Holley was right, he was not there.

Picture 1 of Scientists also believe in heaven
Dr. Holley Alexander

Alexander declared that he had experienced something unusual: a trip to heaven.

He recounted: The first memory when he fell into a deep coma was that he had no language, all the earthly memories had completely disappeared. He also has no body awareness. He was only aware in a murky dark environment and he felt he was there for a very long time. He was then rescued by a beautiful white light with a melody, a wonderful melody and with it opened a bright valley. This valley is filled with blooming flowers, and is a surreal world that is extremely difficult to describe.

Alexander also said that he saw there with him as a young woman who had passed the time and space with him on a butterfly wing and told him : 'You are love, you are loved and staying This is nothing you can do wrong '. The woman looked at him, did not say a word but he received the message.

The Lord was there as a great presence of love, Alexander said and Alexander understood God through a sphere of light.

After recovering, Alexander was shown a picture of a sister he had never met or seen before. He realized that the girl was the woman from heaven.

Of course many will assume that what Alexander has experienced is just an illusion. But he did not think so.'I know that it really happened, and it happened in my brain ,' Alexander said.