Seals of film production in the United States

Helping seals create videos of their lives is the way American scientists apply to quell malicious rumors about them.

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Some Hawaiian fishermen accuse seals of sea lion, a marine animal facing the threat of extinction, stealing their fish in large numbers. In addition, public opinion is bewildered by some rumors, whereby seals are the cause of the marine resources of the seas around Hawaii. Due to rumors, some people in Hawaii state killed four monk seals since the end of last year.

Picture 1 of Seals of film production in the United States
A lion seal carries camera on his back in Hawaiian waters, USA. (Photo: AP)

To quell the rumors, US government scientists will attach cameras capable of recording underwater on the back of a series of seals. They will use the videos the seals use to prove that they do not undermine fishermen's livelihood. Even scientists want to broadcast videos to reality TV shows, the AP reported.

"Crittercams' , the name of the project of attaching a camera to the back of a lion seal, is an initiative of the National Geographic Society to protect them. Currently the number of seals in the waters around Hawaii is about under 1,100. children, but scientists fear they will disappear forever in this sea within 50 to 100 years.

"We will help the seals tell their life stories ," said Charles Littnan, head of the expert team at the Hawaii State Seal Research Program of the US National Fisheries Agency.

Kyler Abernathy, the remote image manager of the "Crittercams" project, said that the videos " master " seals will help fishermen dismiss unfounded doubts about seals.

Seals are one of the many marine animals that appeared on Earth a few million years ago. They are distributed in the waters around the Hawaiian Islands of the United States, the Mediterranean Sea and the Caribbean Sea. Their skin is brown, gray or black.