Seat layout works best for health

The working seating arrangement is extremely important to the general health and productivity of workers. Below are instructions from experts on how to arrange the optimal working place for you.

A guide to sitting posture works best for health

The top of the computer screen should be higher than your eye at about 5 - 7.5 cm. Use the books to elevate the computer screen if necessary.

Please sit about one way from the computer screen (45 - 71cm).

You should not squint at the screen. Adjust the pixel size if you find things hard to see or use applications that adjust if the screen is too bright to look at.

Picture 1 of Seat layout works best for health

When working with a computer screen, the downward-facing view cannot be less than 60 °.

For working chairs, push your hips back, sit back against the chair.

Adjust the height of the seat.The feet need to be flat on the floor. Use a foot plate if needed.

The elbow part must be slightly away from the front of the seat cushion. Make sure your back is supported properly.

Adjust the armrests of the seat so your arms are comfortable and parallel when using the keyboard.

Occasionally swing the chair, because the stationary postures create tension on the body.

Correct sitting posture when working with a computer

When using a computer keyboard and mouse, keep your shoulders comfortable. Hands and wrists need to be comfortable and straight. Use wrist protection pads to compensate and relieve stress. Using the trackball is also a good choice.

When sitting, elbows should be in a slightly open position, about 110 °. If you need to sit forward, flip the keyboard.