Secret to surviving Black Friday with rumors of a strong sale

In order not to fall into such tragic situations, learn the secret below to find out

Black Friday is a paradise for shoppers. However, things are not only pink.

To reschedule, - the "strong sale" festival of brands comes. This is the time when shoppers are prepared to roll into the shopping centers, or the white sit by the computer to hunt down the price with the unit can be up to a sack.

But to be aware, Black Friday is a hidden opportunity for many "pitfalls" that you can easily take if you are not careful. The consequence is endless: it can be expensive to buy, even to buy fake goods, defective goods.

In order not to fall into such tragic situations, learn the secret below to find the best "deal".

1. Create a list of items to buy

In recent years, Black Friday is no longer a one-day event, but extends both before and after Friday. Therefore, the number of items sold is very diverse, and the purchase list becomes really necessary, especially when your purse is quite modest.

Picture 1 of Secret to surviving Black Friday with rumors of a strong sale

The crowd rushing into this type should only buy as quickly as possible.

Before deciding to go "hunting" , make a list of the items you want to buy, to avoid losing time and distraction by different attractive deals. The list will help you get in the right direction, choose the right item, and get out of the crowd as quickly as possible.

2. Avoid "grabbing" the first discount deals

Picture 2 of Secret to surviving Black Friday with rumors of a strong sale

Take a look around some other stores, other online shops, before deciding to export bags.

On Black Friday, retailers are willing to offer extremely attractive deals. And because of the competition, their deal is somewhat different.

So, don't be in a hurry to see a "seemingly attractive" item. Take a look around some other stores, other online shops, before deciding to export bags.

3. Remember, not every deal is really deal

One of the reasons you should not decide to hurry, because maybe the discounts they offer are not necessarily a "too good" deal .

Picture 3 of Secret to surviving Black Friday with rumors of a strong sale

New Christmas is the time when brands are more powerful.

Usually, the new occasion is the time when brands sell more aggressively. Therefore, the value of the item you intend to buy has a chance to decrease even more if you wait hard.

Moreover, a classic method of brands, which is to push prices up and then sell down, especially with deals on electronic commerce sites like Amazon or Ebay. Even, some retailers can mix fake goods and defective goods to make a profit.

When shopping directly, pay attention to the quality of the item. Also to testify when shopping online, you should use some websites or apps that compare prices according to time, such as CCC or Fake Spot.

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Photos on the CCC website about a deal "computer looks good".

4. Keeping track of budgets, don't use credit cards

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Set your own shopping norms and stick to it.

With a tight purse, you can't shop arbitrarily. Set your own shopping norms and stick to it. This will help you avoid the "bag membrane" after the shopping day ends.

Also, do not use credit cards. Being granted a pre-set amount of money will make it easy for you to buy too much, then fall into a credit trap.

5. Don't expect too much

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Strongly sold items are mostly inventory, or defective products.

Basically, Black Friday or any other sale is an opportunity for retailers to speed up inventory . So it should come as no surprise that strong sales are all in stock, or defective.

Meanwhile, the most beautiful, latest things can only carry a smaller drop - from 10% to 20%. It is also a way to save more, but compared to the "sale slam" criteria in Black Friday, perhaps this price is not enough to satisfy the majority of shopping followers.

Shop online at home

In addition to e-commerce sites, there are now a lot of both Vietnamese and international brands investing in separate and modern online shopping systems, reducing the pressure on stores in the off season.

Choose where to shop carefully

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Please prioritize reputable addresses, guaranteed in terms of quality.

Black Friday is a chance for homeowners to reduce prices, so you can almost see the announcement of sale off everywhere. However, do not choose a store just because the quantity of goods is too big or the price is too great. Please prioritize reputable addresses, guaranteed in terms of quality. The most ideal places to hunt for discounted goods are crowded streets where shops, shops set up in chains, or in commercial centers, where big brands gather.

Prepare good health

Buying discounted goods is really a 'sport' that is both appealing and hard. Even knowing that the joy of catching a nice pair of shoes or a beautiful lipstick at a good price can make you happy to forget about fatigue, but to be able to 'fight' a whole Black Friday, you need to be standard. Best performance.

Eat well but don't eat too much because you'll have to walk and carry lots. Dressing comfortably, wearing sports shoes and traveling with your buddies are also ways to reduce your shopping burden.

Update 18 December 2018



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