Security flaws are revealed only as

IBM warned there exists a huge flaw between the number of widely published security bugs and the number of security bugs discovered but not disclosed.

Gunter Ollmann - IBM Security Systems' director of security strategy - said last year only about 7,000 security flaws were published while the number of bugs discovered without announcing up to 139,362.

The published security bugs are bugs discovered and notified to software vendors. These include errors that are under investigation.

Picture 1 of Security flaws are revealed only as Often errors that are not disclosed are errors discovered and fixed within the application developer. But there are also software bugs purchased directly by the software security experts directly with the undisclosed clause. Or it could be a secret bug used by hackers to program, so malware attacks users.

Ollman said the above flaw would be even bigger if it included security flaws discovered under security service contracts, errors discovered by independent researchers did not notify the vendor. software and errors on non-English software.

Anday Buss, an analyst at Canalys, said that the number IBM offered is probably just a number based on the software tested. The actual number is probably much larger.

Hoang Dung