See how to give gifts

The female P. ornata spider evaluates the physical condition of a spider based on a gift wrapped neatly with white silk.

Not only humans, animals also give unique gifts to their partners in an effort to "tighten relations" . But more specifically, for the spider Paratrechalea ornata (P. ornata) , the gift of the spider does not only need to be beautiful, but also must be meticulous in gift wrapping paper.

Picture 1 of See how to give gifts

Researcher Mariana Trillo said: "The P. ornata female spider evaluates the physical condition of a spider based on cleverly wrapped gift with silk. Besides, it is the lightness and lightness of the chemical called pheromone. The male spider spider and silk will decide the success - failure in trying to convince the female spider to be a partner. "

Trillo and his colleagues experimented with P. ornata from the Santa Lucia River in Uruguay. Experts painted white on the mouth of some male spider guys. The reason they do this is because the male spider usually keeps his gift of giving. After that, all male spiders will release the silk, wrap the gift and bring their gift to find their partner.

As a result, the spider girls care and mate more with the guys painted in their mouths. Scientists believe that P. ornata female spiders are strongly attracted by white. Perhaps it is because they are most active at night, sunset so the white color of the silk will "light up" better at that time.

Picture 2 of See how to give gifts

Not only that, the spider girl said that the spider who has the silk color is white, the more healthy he is. With that, the spider guy with the bigger the gift, the easier it will be to conquer his partner. When the spider bites the bait, there is an occasion when she is caught off guard, the male spider immediately rushes to attack to push, pushing the object into the condition that "the board has built the boat".

A 2011 study published in BMC Evolutionary Biology shows that spiders of Pisaura mirabilis often live in European grasslands also use this way of giving gifts to their girlfriends.

However, spiders don't always pack good pieces of food for "lovers . " Inside the fragrant package, the nose is often a "gift" like dry ants or even a piece of leaves has no value at all.