A new study has shown that from spider silk, one can develop a method to help get vaccines straight to white blood cells in the body.

University biologists. Connecticut, USA has successfully developed a new method, using proteins from spider silk to make biodegradable binders.

Spider silk has long been considered the strongest natural material. However, the new champion was discovered, that is the sea snail and its teeth.

Austrian and Japanese experts have just announced a new invention: photovoltaic cells are thinner than spider silk and tough enough to bend around a human hair.

This work was done by a team at Washington University (Saint Louis, Missouri, USA) using bacteria to synthesize spider silk proteins.

American chemists from the Air Force Research Laboratory and Purdue University reported their new military invention. It was a bulletproof vest based on spider silk.

It looks like future bulletproof armor will use silk spider silk instead of plastic resin.

The good news for fashion enthusiasts and also bad news for those who are afraid of spiders is that we are getting closer to creating costumes made of spider silk.

Will silk help you swing back and forth from building to building?

The Japanese spider company created a spider silk fiber called Qmonos (meaning spider web in Japanese).