Self-diagnosis of disease through facial wrinkles

There are cross wrinkles on the cheeks, beware you have high blood pressure; and the cheeks that are wrinkled deeper on the left may have liver problems.

According to Health Sina, wrinkles are not only a manifestation of skin aging but also reflect the overall health of people. Based on some positions of facial wrinkles, one can predict which part of the body is ill.

Forehead wrinkles

The wrinkles across the forehead are too much thinking. If these wrinkles are not seamless but have a wavy shape, your mood is restless, suffering from mental pain, easy depression.

How to deal with and reduce forehead wrinkles: Do fun things, reduce pressure on yourself, use your hand to gently massage your forehead.

Picture 1 of Self-diagnosis of disease through facial wrinkles
The wrinkles across the forehead are too much thinking.(Artwork:

Wrinkles cheeks

The skin in the cheek area is a vulnerable place, so it is easy to identify blood vessel problems. If the cheek is wrinkled deeper than the left cheek, you may have a bad problem in the liver. Cheeks appear cross wrinkles, watch out for high blood pressure. If there are crescent-shaped wrinkles on your cheekbones, you may be suffering from foot disease.

How to respond: Combine meat, fish and vegetables in the diet, regularly exercising in moderation. Note that moisturizing and exfoliating will help to reduce the cheekiness of the cheeks.

Wrinkles under the eyes

Under-eye wrinkles are the kidney and bladder's ability to eliminate toxins. If under the eyes appear semicircular wrinkles that show your kidneys and bladder have problems.

How to cope: Eat alkaline foods, drink plenty of water. For people under thin eyes, need to relax, limit eye wrinkles, use appropriate eye cream.