Shelf life of new style

Pharmaceuticals, food ... not only need to preserve properly but also to track the duration. By the expiry date of the product must be destroyed. But such shelf-marking is being severely criticized, especially for meat when the product can actually be used well but must be discarded.

>>> The plastic bag helps to distinguish expired goods

Picture 1 of Shelf life of new style
Photo: Daily Mail

To avoid wasting money, Solveiga Pakstaite, a student at Brunel University in London, has devised a more accurate method of using food labels with gelatine . Gelatine is a protein, so it also decomposes like other protein-containing foods, so information about its quality is more reliable than a traditional serving.

This label is named Bump Mark , when the food is packed, the label is attached. At first, when you touch your hands, it will feel quite smooth. Then the day when the food inside decayed, the label will gradually become rough wrinkled signal has come to the liquidation. This also means that anyone, including the visually impaired, can easily identify food that is safe to eat or has the time to throw away.

Bump Mark competed in the James Dyson Award for industrial design and technology. Daily Mail said Pakstaite is currently negotiating with retailers and technology companies to bring the product to market early when it receives a patent.