Smart labels can change the color according to shelf life

In the near future, food consumers will no longer have to "gaze" for directions on production dates or shelf life on brands thanks to the newly developed smart technology that can make Labels automatically change colors when product quality changes over time.

Correspondent ANSA said it was the result of a 10-year study by scientists at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York.

Picture 1 of Smart labels can change the color according to shelf life
Consumers will easily recognize the quality of the product based on the color of the label to consider buying.

Specifically, scientists have created a test strip that can evaluate the deterioration of food quality and contamination at low cost.

This paper not only interacts with food but can also be applied to other products such as cosmetics, such as lotions.

The core technology of this type of test paper is the nanostructures that are capable of reacting extremely well to a series of smallest changes in product quality.

Once widely adopted, this invention will revolutionize the supply of consumer goods. Consumers will easily recognize the quality of the product based on the color of the label to consider buying, continuing to use or remove.