Most of the current products are clearly printed. But besides, notice that in our homes, sometimes there are things that exist for decades.
UV protection of sunscreen lenses is claimed to decrease over time.
For women, buying two or three makeup products is no wonder. In addition, for some girls, every day almost impossible to lack makeup can step out to meet and meet.
We often only care about the shelf life of food, but many household items also need to be replaced after a certain time.
What causes us to be unable to preserve food forever in boxes?
The freezer compartment helps keep food longer, but it doesn't matter how long it takes to keep food in the freezer.
Using excess drugs from family, friends or anyone is a must.
Correspondent ANSA said it was the result of a 10-year study by scientists at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York.
By applying new style of disinfection, scientists have found a way to preserve fresh milk for more than 2 months.
Pharmaceuticals, food ... not only need to preserve properly but also to track the duration. By the expiry date of the product must be destroyed.