Shocking revelations about the mighty warrior of Genghis Khan

The militant army has carried out extensive conquests across Asia as well as a part of Europe to build a strong army.

Behind successful conquests, the army of Genghis Khan once infected hepatitis B virus (HBV) . The results of the study were recently reported by Eske Willerslev, a geneticist at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Picture 1 of Shocking revelations about the mighty warrior of Genghis Khan
Hepatitis B virus has affected the life of the Mongols for thousands of years.(Illustration).

Mr. Willerslev and his colleagues came to the conclusion after studying the genome of 304 people who lived in the period of 200-7,000 years ago.

Accordingly, experts found evidence in the bones and teeth of the remains found in Asian steppes including: Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Based on the test results, the experts identified (HBV) have affected the life of the Mongols for thousands of years.

People infected with HBV are at risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer. In particular, people infected with hepatitis B are 200 times more likely to develop liver cancer than those without HBV infection.

Through this study, experts hope the new research results will help to understand how the hepatitis B virus has changed over thousands of years. Thus, experts and scientists can find a way to treat patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the future.