Should Mars be an independent planet or Earth's colony?

Will Mars be an independent planet or Earth colony? Cosmic biologist Jacob Haqq-Misra said that they should be developed to prevent the prospect of war with the Earth, and a Martian civilization could help the Earth. This idea has encountered a wave of debate among other researchers, contradicting the current legal system, and perhaps still no way to adequately solve this question.

Controversy about the "fate" of Mars

The scenario is often seen in fiction or science fiction films that are Earth- built colonies on Mars, which grow up, develop their own technology and culture. At that time, they would rebel against the rule of the Earth government, asking for independence. So what happens if we give Mars independence right from the beginning?

Picture 1 of Should Mars be an independent planet or Earth's colony?
Picture illustrates the life of Martian settlers living independently right from the beginning?

Let Mars be free to avoid war for independence and can help the Earth

Picture 2 of Should Mars be an independent planet or Earth's colony?
Image rendering a settlement on Mars

Astrobiology biologist Jacob Haqq-Misra at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Astrophysics (a nonprofit organization that promotes unity among countries on space) argued that instead of giving control of colonial planets In the hands of certain government organizations or corporations, we should let the first explorers develop their own values, government and technology with minimal interference from the Earth.

Misra thinks that his strategy not only prevents the prospect of fighting for Mars independence but also helps "Martians " think differently to solve the problems that the Earth is continuing to fight: typically together against climate change, improve the global environment, make long-term plans for the future of humanity.

He said: ' Instead of evenly dividing Mars out with countries around the world, or letting it be exploited by industrial corporations, make Mars independent because it will be more valuable if it grows into one. the second civilization of humanity . ' In the essay published on New Space, he has made five main rules for the strategy for independent Mars.

Those who leave Earth to permanently settle on Mars will have to abandon their citizenship rights and become Mars citizens.

Governments, corporations and individuals on Earth must not engage in commerce with Mars and must not interfere with the political, cultural, economic or social development of Mars civilization.

Scientific research activities can be continued as long as it does not interfere with the development of Mars civilization . Research sharing and information between Mars and LAND is only allowed if it is for the scientific or educational purposes of the two parties.

Land use on Mars was granted exclusively to Martian residents . No Earth people could own or claim land ownership on Mars.

Any technology, resource or other object brought from Earth to Mars will permanently become the property of Mars civilization. Earth people cannot ask for any resources on Mars.
Controversy continues: 'You cannot simply say that I am no longer a citizen of country A. You have no right to decide that. "

Picture 3 of Should Mars be an independent planet or Earth's colony?
Photographs from the Martian movie trailer, the film promises to provide a glimpse into life on Mars

Frans von der Dunk, a law professor at the University of Nebraska, said that these suggestions are in fact past. In the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 , 103 countries (including Russia and the United States) agreed on one another, not allowing any nation to declare territory in the universe. The treaty clearly states that 'a colony on Mars never becomes a legal colony under the Earth before .' However, the professor said that according to the current legal regime, 'an American, even if he went to Mars, could still be under the authority of the US government.'

This is similar to whether the ships are in international waters but still flying the flag of their country, and the sailors are still citizens of that country and this is true even if they are no longer on board. This rule is expected to apply to astronauts . That is, whether American astronauts roam the Moon or in the International Space Station, they are still US citizens and subject to US law.

But this regulation still faces some difficulties. Typically what happens if American astronauts not only walk on the Moon for several hours but stay longer? As on ISS, astronauts often stay for several months, they come from many different countries and almost comply with their country's legal regulations under Earth. If an American astronaut hits a Russian astronaut's head, the United States first has the right to determine whether this action constitutes a crime. But if the US does not do so, that American astronaut could be tried under Russian authority.

Picture 4 of Should Mars be an independent planet or Earth's colony?
Mars civilization does not develop simply, depends very much on the laws of each country, each culture, ethnicity, .

The above rules may be different for pioneers going to other planets without returning. However, Professor von der Dunk said that ' You cannot simply say that I am no longer a citizen of country A. You have no right to decide that. ' Therefore, he argued that if Americans could establish a community to live on Mars themselves, they would still be Americans and comply with US law, at least for the first time. But gradually, they will no longer feel it. They will not feel they are American, Russian or any other country, they will gradually see themselves as Martians. They will say 'listen, we don't want to pay taxes anymore, we want to build our own legal system.'

Cultural evolution is inevitable in a small population separated from the Earth. Many traditions below Earth will no longer be applied and Martians will form their culture, their rules, rules, etc. According to Professor von der Dunk, Haqq-Misra's proposal to limit exposure to Earth will simply speed up the process.

At the same time, Professor Haqq-Misra said that it would be difficult to establish a colony from nothing. People who go to Mars will carry a lot of their legal and original culture, which will affect how the society on it works. But gradually, Mars culture will change dramatically. ' It is difficult to imagine, one might think that Mars is so different from the Earth that it needs a different legal and social structure and they will develop something very new. But that's still a hypothesis. "

There is another potential problem. Going to Mars is not easy and there will be a lot of deaths before it gets there. Moreover, putting someone on Mars costs a lot of resources from Earth: an average of 1 pound (450 grams) of supplies to ISS costs $ 10,000 and this number will be more terrible for the trip. Fire. Therefore, without investment, research, efforts from both government and private corporations, going to Mars will not materialize. This conflict of interest is contrary to what Misra suggested.

All is still controversial and people must soon solve the question of ' Independent or colonial Mars' before humans begin to set foot on this red planet .