Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'

Treating intestinal helminthiitis, injecting malaria parasites to cure syphilis . are the methods of scary healing in history.

Scary healing therapies in history

Advances in science and technology, especially medicine, have helped humans survive many serious epidemics. However, there are still quite a number of treatments quite . monstrous and gruesome.

Here are some strange treatment methods, in the form of 'poison poisoning' in history.

1. Use ants to sew wounds

The dense forests of Africa exist a very scary animal, it is the Siafu ant , or the " army ants". A Siafu ant colony can be up to 20 million. With a large amount of aggression and pincer-like jaws, they can kill any opponent, including humans.

Picture 1 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'
Siafu ants are similar to fire ants, living in the East, Central Africa and parts of Asia

Scary, but military ants have another name, it's 'surgical ants' (surgery ant). In the past, before the method of wound healing was born, people had the idea of ​​fixing open wounds with the help of this ant species.

Ants will be placed on the surface of the wound and just a little excited, it will fasten the jaws like two pincers, causing the wound to close. At this point, you can interrupt the ants, leave and keep the first part like sewing thread, contributing to help the wound quickly and without infection.

Picture 2 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'

This method may not work for large wounds, but for small wounds it is extremely helpful. It is still used as an instant emergency for some jungle adventurers.

2. Cure intestinal inflammation by . helminths

Ulcerative colitis , including colitis, is very uncomfortable, making patients always want to have bowel movements, serious health effects but do not have effective treatment.

US scientists are currently experimenting with a new treatment that brings many positive results and the "secret" of this method involves . helminths.

Picture 3 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'

After doing some research, scientists found that in pigs, parasites infected with parasites had less diarrhea. A patient in the United States with severe intestinal ulcers volunteered to swallow many types of parasitic eggs with the desire to get better quickly. And the unexpected results, the patient's condition is relieved quickly, however, scientists are still monitoring the disease.

According to Professor Gerard Mullin - director of integrated nutrition services at Johns Hopkins University, the reason that helminths can cause the disease to be relieved is because the intestine produces a chain reaction, based on the immune system in humans.

Picture 4 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'

When infected with intestinal worms, the intestine responds by secreting more mucus to fight the ulcers caused by infection. He added that it is the routine routine of human deworming that contributes to an increase in the number of people with intestinal inflammation.

Currently, American scientists are researching and soon launching a drink containing thousands of pig's hairworm eggs to cater to people with intestinal inflammation. The patient will only need to drink this water twice within a month.

However, despite knowing to cure, rare people are brave enough to drink a glass of water and eggs .

3. Cure syphilis with malaria

Syphilis is a disease caused by syphilis, and they are sexually transmitted. The disease causes many complications, if at the end stage can cause nervous system damage, even death.

Today, syphilis can be easily treated without leaving sequelae if detected promptly. But in the past, this is quite a dangerous disease and the cure is equally dangerous - that is the use of malaria - a disease that can kill millions of people.

The person who made this treatment was an Austrian doctor - Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940). However, this idea faced many strong objections, because many people believe that this method is like killing rats in the home with . poisonous snakes.

Picture 5 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'
Dr. Wagner (black shirt in the middle) is watching a patient injected with malaria in 1934

However, in the twentieth century, it was soon known that syphilis was caused by bacteria, but there were not enough antibiotics to treat it. Meanwhile, if left for long, syphilis will turn into neurological complications, leading to brain degeneration, seizures, intestinal loss of control, diarrhea . even death. Dr. Wagner has discovered that syphilis bacteria can be destroyed by a high fever and nothing better than a timely malaria battle.

And finally, in 1917, he gave patients with malaria syphilis. Malaria will cause high fever, swallowing syphilis and then, the doctor will treat malaria for the patient. It must be said that, at that time, the medical community developed quite a successful antimalarial drug. Thus, Dr. Wagner won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1927.

4. Cure psoriasis with 'doctor fish'

Psoriasis is a type of skin disease, which is caused by epidermal disorders. The disease may not be dangerous, but seriously affects aesthetics and confidence. The disease is treated with drugs, accompanied by proper cream application method, there is another method, that is to use 'fish doctor'.

Picture 6 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'

Many documents record that, in the early fourteenth century, two Turkish brothers enjoyed bathing in hot springs, and they found a small fish that has never been seen.

After bathing, they both found that beriberi symptoms (a nervous system disease) subsided and miraculously disappeared. Two people noticed, after bathing, the amount of dead skin on the feet was "preened" and cleaned ever since. Since then, the use of fish for water treatment and cleaning has quickly spread throughout Turkey and imported into Japan and South Korea.

This fish is called Garra Rufa or 'fish doctor' . They are a special species found only in the northern and central parts of the Middle East. In Turkey, it has been bred to breed in giant mineral water basins, to serve tourists who need massage or cure skin diseases.

Picture 7 of Shudder with the healing methods 'taking poison poisoning'

This marvelous fish can live in waters with temperatures of up to 43 degrees Celsius and without feeding. When guests need it, just let go of the lake, keep themselves, hundreds of big and small fish will play the role of 'exfoliation and massage specialist' , eliminating dead skin epidermis.

Although it has not been officially recognized, up to 87% of treatment cases say they feel better. Even, many cases have been completely cured. At a cost of about 3,000 USD (equivalent to 62 million VND), there are thousands of tourists still coming to Turkey to take a dip in the hot spring and enjoy the treatments of 'fish doctor'.

Not only that, the hot spring ingredient contains selenium - a chemical element that enhances skin regeneration. After the redness of psoriasis is destroyed by the 'tiny doctors' , the chemicals in the water will help the skin quickly recover, making the disease more and more relieved.