Signs that you are pregnant

What is the sign of pregnancy? You are not sure if you are pregnant? What are the signs of pregnancy after 7 days? The first time pregnant women are inevitably confused about how to know if they are pregnant, how to get pregnant effectively and what to do when they know they are pregnant. Please refer to the following article for answers to these questions.

When pregnant, the woman's body will have changes, manifested into many symptoms, "unusual" signs that if the woman is observant, she can recognize her early pregnancy.

The strange feeling in the nipple, the visible veins on the chest, dark areola, chest pain and nipple, signal you are pregnant, according to Health Plus.

Picture 1 of Signs that you are pregnant
Menstruation is the first pregnancy sign of pregnancy.

10 signs of early pregnancy can be identified

1. Fatigue is an early pregnancy symptom

When you are pregnant in the first weeks, you will often feel tired because your body is not used to working 24/7 to provide nutrients to your baby. The more progesterone secreted by hormones during pregnancy also increases the temperature of your body, the more energy you burn. Besides, your heart rate during this period also beat faster to provide enough oxygen needed for the ovary. All will lead to your body feeling like there's no energy left.

2. Nausea is a sign of pregnancy

At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, you may feel nauseous at any time of the day. Symptoms of pregnancy sickness also appear similar. Therefore, if you notice unusual signs of nausea or morning sickness, you may think about your chances of becoming pregnant.

3. Other pregnancy symptoms are more urination

A well-known symptom of pregnancy is that you suddenly urinate more than usual. This is a phenomenon that usually occurs from the 6th week of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, putting pressure on the bladder. Another reason is that pregnancy hormones and increased blood flow in the body make you want to urinate more than once.

4. Back pain is also a sign of pregnancy awareness

Signs of pregnancy that many women often ignore are back pain. If you feel your waist suddenly appear soreness or fatigue along the back wave, chances are you're already pregnant. This phenomenon is caused by a lumbar ligament that relaxes to accommodate the growing uterus in the abdomen. Therefore, do not neglect to think that this symptom is due to weather or fatigue when working, check if there are any other signs of pregnancy.

5. You may be pregnant when you see signs of cramps

Having a cramp is also one of the symptoms of pregnancy that many people pay little attention to. During the first few weeks of pregnancy, your uterus has extended to be ready for the appearance of a baby for 9 months. At this time, the weight of the uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the lower limbs, causing you to experience cramps. The simplest way to reduce this symptom is to gently massage and supplement calcium-rich foods.

6. Eating habits are also a way to recognize pregnancy

In addition to the signs of pregnancy based on your body's changes, you may feel a change in your eating preferences to assess your ability to become pregnant. If before, sour or sweet dishes were not your taste, but lately, you suddenly crave sourness or anything that helps to be palpable, the probability of getting pregnant is quite high. . Some women may experience 'insanity' with items that have never been eaten for long periods of pregnancy.

7. Constipation, flatulence are other signs of pregnancy

Constipation and flatulence are two easy signs if you are pregnant. They even appear more frequently with pregnancy development. The cause of this phenomenon is due to increased pregnancy hormone progesterone which affects the digestive system of pregnant women. To limit constipation, flatulence, you only need to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water every day.

8. Identify signs of pregnancy based on body temperature

This is a sign of pregnancy awareness that you should follow if you are expecting your baby. Just notice, you will notice that your body temperature is higher when you are pregnant. The phenomenon of abnormal body temperature can also make your skin wet, difficult to drain sweat, causing chrome to occur in areas where there is friction between the skin areas together (the skin folds).

9. Other pregnancy symptoms are sensitive to odors

If before, you really love the smell of perfume your husband used, when you are pregnant, you can become allergic to the level of vomiting when you smell this odor. Similarly, the smells that always make you uncomfortable like the smell of tobacco, fishy smell, . now make you more miserable and uncomfortable. The only way to limit this phenomenon is to avoid the odors as much as possible. For some pregnant women, this sensitivity may decrease gradually in the middle or near the end of pregnancy.

10. Dizziness is a common pregnancy symptom

During pregnancy, some women may experience dizziness and lightheadedness. Due to changes in your cardiovascular system such as increased heart rate, increased pumping speed, increased blood flow in the body, while blood pressure decreases at the beginning of pregnancy and gradually increases towards the end of pregnancy. These changes of the body will make other agencies adjust to keep up. But sometimes the adjustments are not timely, causing you to be dizzy and dizzy. If this shock causes you to faint, go to your doctor right away because it may be a sign of a serious health problem.