Silver hair anti-shampoo shampoo

Hair that turns silver is an indispensable sign of old age, but scientists are experimenting with a shampoo to help the hair keep its youthful color.

Picture 1 of Silver hair anti-shampoo shampoo

Hair that turns gray is inevitable in the process of aging.Photo: Daily Mail.

Many tests show that salt and pepper hair has a higher content of hydrogen peroxide (hair bleach) than normal hair. Karin Schallreuter of the University of Bradford (UK) and some German experts found that processes such as aging, exposure to the environment, excretion of substances and water from the human body caused hydrogen peroxide to accumulate in hairline.

This accumulation has prevented pigmentation from forming. The team claims that women who use detergents that contain hydrogen peroxide to lighten their hair should not worry. However, in older women, these dyes can speed up the transition to the salt color of the hair.

Karin's discovery could lead to the introduction of a shampoo or pharmaceutical product capable of reducing the hydrogen peroxide concentration to regain the original color of salt-and-pepper hair. It can even prevent hair from turning gray.

Researchers have tested such a shampoo on the silver hair of three people. They hope to know the results in two months. If this shampoo works, many people will use natural medicines instead of expensive hair dyes.

Scientists believe that some genes determine when our hair turns gray or silver. Stress, alcoholic habits, tobacco and poor diet can speed up silver hair.